Door Han gers Full Color- 3 ½” x 8 ½”
Stock: ASTROBRIGHTS® Papers 65 lb. Re-Entry Red™, Rocket Red™, Cosmic Oran g e™, Solar Yellow™, Lift-Off Lemon™, Te rra G reen™, Gamma Gr een™, Celest ial Blue® & Pulsar Pink™
Colorful Options Choos e from a var iety of e x trem ely br ight and vibrant stock c olors.
Feat ures Full c olor flat pr int on one or both sides Full bleed availa ble All die cuts posit i oned ½" from to p w ith a diagonal slit. See diagram below for die cut posit i on.
• • •
Feat ures St and ard flat bla ck ink on on e or both sides • Full bleed availa ble All die cuts posit i oned ½" from to p w ith a diagonal slit. See diagram above for die cut posit i on.
• •
1" Circle
1.25" Circle
Perforated Bottom 3.5" x 2"
1.25" Circle
Imprint 50 100 250 500 1,000 4/0 $127.54 $132.35 $13 8.12 $165.60 $21 2.58 4/4 $147.44 $152.96 $172.87 $210.40 $263.82 4/0 $129.19 $134.96 $14 4.04 $173.54 $227.84 4/4 $149.10 $155.57 $178.78 $218.34 $279.08 4/0 $13 0.15 $135.94 $145.69 $176.03 $231.12 4/4 $150.06 $156.54 $180.43 $220.82 $28 2.36 4/0 $150.90 $155.44 $221.65 $284.98 $507.94 4/4 $159.97 $167.38 $239.77 $309.01 $550.12 $3.09 $3.78 $5.14 $7.69 $1 5.33
White Gl o ss 1 00 lb. C over* White 14 pt . Uncoated
Popular Pick! White 14 p t. C2S*
White 16 p t. C2S*
White Synthet ic 12 mil.
*UV G los s Co at in g Availa ble as indicated
Imprint 5 00 1000 150 0 20 00 2500 Black 1 side $1 38.03 $178.58 $213.85 $254.29 $2 96.93 Black 2 sides
$179.91 $ 241.39 $280.35 $324.31 $370.54
Above is just a sample of available products
Door Han gers Printed 1 color-Black- 3 ½” x 8 ½”
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